Re-discovering A Barbados Treasure

As I read Emily's blog on her recent visit to St. Nicholas Abbey I suddenly realized how many details I've missed despite several visits to this wonderful place!

Her wonderful photos of the architectural details of the historic Jacobean mansion and the unique furnishings found inside opened my eyes to previously overlooked treasures.

While I no doubt had before glanced over the intricate shell chandeliers and cedar paneling, seeing Emily's photos and reading her perspective as a first-time visitor caused me to recollect my own visits and even look back at old photos to see how I could have failed to appreciate the delicate beauty of these features.

It serves as a reminder to slow down when we travel, to soak up the details of each experience, and to re-visit sites, even those that we think are familiar.

Note to self - look closer at the sea-shell collections, artwork, and paneling on my next visit to the Abbey!


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