Vujaday Barbados Finale - Samples & Review

This video show a sample of the final night of the Vujaday Music Festival Barbados - It showcases Francesca Lambardo and Lee Burridge two of the international all star cast of renowned DJs. We hear the the 'on the spot' live creations by Lee Burridge who moves to the beat of the audience rather that the other way around. You can actually see him tune to what they like and respond to their response instinctively.

Francesca added a smokey hot feel to her rendition of FEVER. Fever bubbled with a sultry tone for an impromptu birthday celebration with its own firework candles sparkling while champagne bubbled to the beat.

The stage lit up the night with its "pyrotechnic display of exploding lights bubbling across the screen".

See complete review and fascinating photo-journal and video by Barbados Tourism Encyclopedia at


irclay said…
See fantastic review of this 5 star music event which has been called the best ever music safari-

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